
Hey! 👋

Hey there! Welcome to my blog! I’m Kevin, a 15-year-old computer enthusiast from Indonesia. I’m passionate about all things tech, and I love diving into the world of computers and exploring the latest trends and innovations.

In my free time, you’ll usually find me gaming with my friends and having a blast. I run a YouTube channel called BoredKevin, where we share hilarious and entertaining videos of our gaming adventures. From funny moments to exciting challenges, we aim to bring a smile to your face and make your day a little brighter.

Contact me ✉

It may take a while for me to reply, if I haven’t replied for more than 2 weeks, feel free message me again! Don’t contact all of the socials below, only choose one.

Email: contact@boredkevin.com
Discord: @boredkevin

Socials 💬

YouTube | Twitter | Github

Games 🎮

NameMC | Roblox | Steam